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Arana Hills Carpark Trial

Avatar image of the blog author Ash Dunbabin Ash Dunbabin

Some time ago, we approached Arana Hills Plaza management and asked if we could potentially trial our Trolley Stopper in their car park. Having carried out laboratory testing on our devices we were able to understand how the colour would stand up to months and years of sun exposure, how Trolley Stopper would perform on large gradient carparks and other things such as the melt point of Trolley Stopper. All this testing ‘under controlled conditions’ is great and it certainly does give us a reference point to back up our claims of what Trolley Stopper can do. However, nothing can replace real world testing in a real car park with real customers using the device.

Having got the go ahead from Arana Hills Plaza, we had the opportunity to install 20 Trolley Stoppers on the 20th Septemeber 2018 in two of the more prominent parking rows. 





Arana Hills Plaza were also kind enough to produce some signs to put around the centre and the car park to explain what Trolley Stopper is, and what Trolley Stopper does.


Trolley Stopper Information Sign



Customer Feedback


During the trial, we have conducted regular onsite ‘how to’ demonstrations  with customers to show how Trolley Stopper can enhance their shopping experience and find out what they think of Trolley Stopper.  To date we have collected 178 thumbs up and 0 thumbs down on our feedback form.  Many customers comment that it is one less thing to worry about in a busy car park.  With the changing plastic bag ruling, we have noted many customers parking their shopping trolley in the Trolley Stopper and loading their groceries into bags at their car.  Many mothers and fathers have commented what a relief Trolley Stopper is for them when arriving back at their car with children, shopping and a shopping trolley which they used to hold in place with their foot or with one hand (trying to open the car at the same time!).  Other patrons have commented that they normally rested the shopping trolley against their car which over time causes scratches.  


Some of the comments customers have shared are:

“This is a brilliant idea, why has no one done this yet”.

“Bloody fantastic idea”.

“Such a simple idea, but such a good idea”.

“Why aren’t these in all the car parks?”

And my personal favorite:

“Oh my God, this makes my life 1000 times easier at the shopping centre”.


What’s more is the feedback on the facebook posts from Arana Hills Plaza have been very encouraging - see facebook post here! A huge thank you to all who have been kind enough to try out Trolley Stopper and also give feedback. 

Facebook Trolley Stopper post


Due to the great feedback, we have just added a further 40 Trolley Stoppers to the Arana Hills Plaza car park - three of which are in the disabled car parks near the Coles entrance.


New Trolley Stopper locations Trolley Stopper in disabled carpark





How are the Trolley Stoppers holding up?

The initial 20 Trolley Stoppers have been down for 6 weeks now. From visual inspection, there is no damage from use or vehicle passover, the colour is consistent and the adhesion is still strong - so we are very pleased with how the trial is progressing and performing.


Original row of Trolley Stoppers in the trial Trolley Stopper after six weeks





Next Steps for Trolley Stopper


At Trolley Stopper we have decided that Australian made and Australian jobs are core to our values. We believe that all Australians deserve the opportunity to have fulfilling employment that not only ensures individual success, but also the future success of Australia.  Because of this, we are pursuing an avenue to ensure that Trolley Stopper is 100% Australian made. As we are a local Queensland company, we will be making our Trolley Stoppers here in Brisbane.   What’s more, we will be sourcing as far as possible all of our adhesives, safety equipment and packaging from Australian companies.  As we are at the final stages of this process, we envisage Trolley Stopper being available for shopping centres across Australia and New Zealand in early 2019.  Then we look forward to taking Trolley Stopper beyond Australian shores. 


Want more information about Trolley Stopper for your shopping centre? Simply contact us and we would be happy to help.